City of North Bay

by FT Locations ZoomTour

Employer Supports Tour

In North Bay there are a number of organizations available to help employers in attracting, hiring and retaining employees. Take a look at the different programs, supports and resources available to help you with your hiring practices. 

For additional guidance, or if you would like to add information about an existing program or service, please connect with the Economic Development Department at or 705.474.0400 ext.2417

Please note additional options may be available outside of this virtual tour.

Employer Supports Tour

In North Bay there are a number of organizations available to help employers in attracting, hiring and retaining employees. Take a look at the different programs, supports and resources available to help you with your hiring practices. 

For additional guidance, or if you would like to add information about an existing program or service, please connect with the Economic Development Department at or 705.474.0400 ext.2417

Please note additional options may be available outside of this virtual tour.

Description: The Economic Development Department assists existing businesses, prospective investors, and community partners with business growth and development related initiatives. The Economic Development team can facilitate connections to partners, training programs and funding programs for businesses in North Bay. If you're an employer and unsure where to go for support, the Economic Development Department can assist you. 



Phone: 705-474-0400 ext. 2417

Delivery of Services: In person, Virtual, North Bay


Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development - Northern Ontario

Find out how to take on an apprentice and how it benefits you as an employer. When you train an apprentice to provincial and national (Red Seal) industry standards, you also train them to understand your unique workplace.

Employers can make a free appointment to speak with an employment counsellor to get advice about attracting and recruiting the right employees and find financial incentives to offset on-the-job training costs. Employers can also get advice about managing their workforce during restructuring.



Employment Ontario Apprenticeship Office

200 First Avenue West,

1st floor
 North Bay, Ontario
 P1B 3B9


Phone: 705-495-8515

Service Delivery: English and French


Monday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Apprenticeships - YES Employment Services

Graduated Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (Employer – Provincial Government)

Potential to receive more than $16,000 to train an apprentice in an eligible trade

Apprenticeship Signing Employer Bonus (Employer – Provincial Government)

A $2,000 bonus for employers to hire and register apprentices who have left school and require upgrading to meet the registration standards for apprenticeship training

Apprenticeship Completion Employer Bonus (Employer – Provincial Government)

A taxable cash grant of $1,000 to employers after they successfully complete their apprenticeship training and obtain their journeyperson certification

Apprenticeship Completion Bonus (Apprentice – Provincial Government)

A taxable cash grant of $2,000 to registered apprentices after they successfully complete their apprenticeship training and obtain their journeyperson certification

OYAP – Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (Apprentice – Provincial Government)

A school to work program that provides opportunities to work as registered apprentices through the Cooperative Education program.

Canada Apprentice Loan (Apprentice – Federal Government)

Up to $4000 in interest free loans per period of technical training

Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (Apprentice – Federal Government)

A taxable cash grant of $1,000 per year or level, up to two levels, for a lifetime maximum amount of $2,000 per person available to registered apprentices once they have successfully finished their first or second year/level (or equivalent) of an apprenticeship program in one of the designated Red Seal trade

Apprenticeship Completion Grant (Apprentice – Federal Government)

A one-time taxable cash grant of $2,000 lifetime maximum per person available to registered apprentices who have successfully completed their apprenticeship training and obtained their journeyperson certification in a designated Red Seal trade

Additional Financial Supports

Loans for tools, grants for full-time study, tool deductions, and tax credits

149 Main Street East
North Bay , P1B 1A9
Phone: 705-476-3234
Fax: 705-476-9302

Description: The Centre for Career Development offers a wide range of services and supports for employers including but not limited to:

  • Access to the Canadore College Job Portal
  • Engage with the Canadore community and build your brand on campus
  • Connect with job seekers in schools of study that fit your needs
  • Career Launcher Program which provides community placement opportunities to students and new alumni through paid placements. 



Phone: 705-474-7600 ext.5826

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Nipissing & Parry Sound District

Description: The Canada-Ontario Job Grant provides direct financial support to individual employers who wish to purchase training for their employees. It is available to small, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short-term training to existing and new employees.

Contact Yes Employment Services for application information and addition to the following services:

  • Recruitment & human resources (job creation and advertising, candidate pre-screening/interviewing/placement and on-site employment support services)
  • Financial Incentives & Apprenticeship Grants (Canada Ontario Job Grant, Job matching, placement and incentives and Youth Job Connection, etc.)
  • Interview space & on-site services
  • Training & certifications
  • Job fairs & community partnerships 
  • Diversity at Work Nipissing for Employers



Phone: 705-446-3234

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Nipissing District

Description:  District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board (DNSSAB)

Interested public or non-profit organizations sign a Community Placement Agreement with Ontario Works and provide descriptions of the positions or volunteer positions they wish to fill.

Individuals who are interested in participating in the Community Placement Program review the position descriptions and determine where they would like to volunteer; an interview is scheduled where the individual and organization meet to decide if they are a good match for one another. If both are satisfied, the volunteer placement can begin.



Nipissing Career Hub
200 McIntyre Street East, first floor (City Hall Building)

Phone: (705) 474-2151 ext. 23425

Hours of Operation:  Monday – Friday, 1:00pm – 4:15pm

Description: March of Dimes Canada provides support for those living with disabilities or barriers to employment secure and retain employment. We work with employers to identify, prepare, hire and retain qualified candidates. Finding and hiring the right employee can be expensive and time consuming. We are your onesource for wrap-around service. MODC Employment Services offers a comprehensive suite of services to help you find the best candidates for your organization – no matter the size of your business or the type of opportunity. Our attentive approach to your business needs will save you money and time.




Phone: 705-498-6296

Delivery of Services: In person, virtual, North Bay

YES Employment Services

Hire and Retain Newcomer Talent

Diversity at Work Nipissing is a program designed to support businesses with hiring and retaining newcomer talent.

Our Services:

  • Development of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policies
  • Workplace Cultural Diversity Training
  • Assistance with Posting Jobs, Interviewing and Hiring
  • Support for Employees on the Job
  • Access to Long-Term Support and Guidance

Phone: 705-476-3234


Yes Employment Services, in partnership with PHARA, presents the EmployEASE Accessibility Program that empowers North Bay & Area Employers, through a range of FREE supports, to diversify their workplaces and to create inclusive and accessible work environments for employees with disabilities



Phone: 705-476-3234

Delivery of Service: Virtual and In-Person

French and English

Description: Community Living offers a variety of services to employers through who are seeking support in hiring individuals with intellectual disabilities. 

Employment First &Transitions Program




Phone: 705-476-3288 ext. 1971

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, North Bay

Description: Ontario. Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development - Northern Ontario - Apprenticeship Office


  • Must be qualified to train an apprentice in the trade, be able to provide structured training and supervision, and pay wages where appropriate



200 First Ave W
1st Fl
North Bay, Ontario

 Phone: 1-705-495-8515

Toll Free: 1-800-236-0744 

Service Delivery: English and French,  Fully Accessible


Monday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Description: Apatisiwin is a Swampy Cree word meaning “employment, training, and jobs”. The vision of the Apatisiwin Program is that Indigenous people gain education, experience, and skills to achieve and maintain meaningful employment. Apatisiwin offers employment and training services and supports through 19 funded and non-funded program interventions. Interventions are defined as an action plan activity, within a specific timeframe, co-developed by a direct-service user and an Employment or Youth Employment Counsellor. Action plans are intended to assist direct-service users with their employment and training goals such as: securing employment or self-employment, returning to school, staying in school, becoming ready to enter the labour force, and improving their overall employability. Apatisiwin Employment and Youth Employment Counsellors work with community members to conduct trauma informed and strength-based assessments to help determine and administer appropriate interventions, monitor outcomes, and conduct follow up. Apatisiwin also offers employment related workshops, presentations, establishes partnerships with local employers and also supports job development and community-based projects (based on local community needs and labour market trends). Apatisiwin provides enhanced supports for “in-school-youth” which includes early interventions (for those in grades K-12). Apatisiwin program and services are offered through culturally relevant approaches.


Address: 962 Cassells Street North Bay Ontario P1B 4A8

Phone: Office—705 472 2811 Ext 202 or 243    Cell: 705 358 0911 or 705 358 4160

Service Delivery: English in person, virtually, email, etc.

Description: A federal government, Canadian-wide online employment resource centre and job bank. 


Phone: 1-866-789-1297

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Canada

Description: The Business Centre (TBC) is a not-for-profit organization that offers information, programs, training and resources to entrepreneurs, start-ups, and expanding businesses in the districts of Nipissing and Parry Sound. TBC offers one-on-one consultations virtually or in-person where they can provide assistance through various resources, business-related training and events as well as through their professional partner referral system. 



Phone: 705-474-0400 ext. 2302

Delivery of Services: In person, virtual, Nipissing and Parry Sound Districts

Description: The Labour Market Group provides local, regional and provincial workforce and labour market information as well as operates a regional job portal Ready Set Hired. The Labour Market Group also partners with other organizations across the district to offer job fairs and employer-focused presentations.


LMG works with a variety of community stakeholders to develop a better understanding of labour market issues and their impacts, generate awareness of existing workforce trends and increases capacity for collaboration and partnerships.


LMG gathers intelligence about local labour supply and demand by working with employers in Nipissing and Parry Sound districts to identify local hiring and recruiting challenges.


LMG provides communities with up to date, evidence- based statistical information and data analysis required to make informed planning and training decisions.


150 First Ave. W. Suite 103
 North Bay, Ontario P1B 3B9

p. 705-478-9713
tf. 1-877-223-8909
f. 705-474-2069



Service Delivery:



Phone: 705-478-9713

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Nipissing & Parry Sound District

Description: March of Dimes offers a variety of services to employers through who are seeking support in hiring individuals with disabilities. 



Phone: 705-498-6296

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Canada

Description: Metis Nation of Ontario offers programs and services to help employers fill their staffing needs. Funding incentives and training support is available.



Phone: 705-474-2767

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Ontario

Description: NECO Community Futures Development Corporation administers FedNor's Youth Internship Program within their catchment area. This program provides funding to employers who are looking to hire youth (persons aged 30 and under) full-time within their operations. 



Phone: 705-476-8822

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, East Nipissing and East Parry Sound Regions

The Nipissing Training Center offers literacy workshops and basic training to a wide range of clients.

Nous sommes un organisme à but non lucratif œuvrant dans le Nipissing depuis 1989. Le centre de formation du Nipissing offre des ateliers d'alphabétisation et de formation de base à une grande et diverse clientèle.



630 Cassells Street, North Bay ON

Phone:  705 472-6673

Delivery of Serice: Francophone

Description: The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund delivers the People & Talent Program which is designed to attract, retain and develop Northern Ontario's workforce. They provide funding to employers looking to hire through the following two streams:



Phone: 705-945-6700

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Northern Ontario

Description: Nipissing University offers employers the ability to promote job opportunities through their off-campus employment board



Phone: 705-474-7600 ext.5826

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, North Bay

Description: Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development - Northern Ontario

Offer formal training for those who want a career in the skilled trades. Program combines on the job training, in-classroom training and offers registration and support to:

  • new apprentices who have arranged a sponsoring employer, or
  • those who have prior education and related work experience

Program also offers consultation to sponsoring employers

8:30 am - 5:00 pm ET


Phone: 1-800-236-0744 or 705-495-8515

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Nipissing District

Description: The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund delivers the People & Talent Program which is designed to attract, retain and develop Northern Ontario's workforce. They provide funding to employers looking to hire through the following two streams:



Phone: 705-945-6700

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Northern Ontario

Description: Service Canada provides information, assistance, guidance, and support for employers on employment matters including:

  • Automated Earning Reporting System (Data Gateway support)
  • Record of Employment (ROE)
  • Report on Hirings
  • Temporary Foreign Worker Program
  • Work Sharing

Service Canada also has information about Apprenticeship Grants.


Canada Place, Suite 102
107 Shirreff Avenue
North Bay, Ontario


Phone: 1-800-367-5693

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Nipissing District

Hours of Service: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Public Register

Search for registered apprentices and people certified in the compulsory trades.

Skilled Trades Ontario Contact Information
General Inquiries:

Telephone: 647-847-3000
Toll-free number (Ontario only): 1-855-299-0028
Fax: 1-866-398-0368

Mailing address:
Skilled Trades Ontario
PO Box 2354 RPO SQ1 Shoppers
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C8

Hours of Operation:

Monday to Friday,
8:30am – 5:00pm EST


How to Hire and Apprentice:

Apprenticeship Ontario - North Bay Office Location:

200 First Avenue West,

1st floor
 North Bay, Ontario
 P1B 3B9


Phone: 705-495-8515

Service Delivery: English and French

Description: Workplace Safety North (WSN) is a not-for-profit health and safety association funded by the provincial government to provide approved health and safety training and services to the mining and forest products industries. A trusted safety advisor, WSN and its legacy organizations have been helping make workplaces safer since 1915.



Phone:1 888 730 7821 (Tollfree Ontario) / Local: 705-474-7233

Delivery of Services: English and French

Description: Yes Employment Services Offers a wide range of services and supports for employers including but not limited to:

  • Recruitment & human resources (job creation and advertising, candidate pre-screening/interviewing/placement and on-site employment support services)
  • Financial Incentives & Apprenticeship Grants (Canada Ontario Job Grant, Job matching, placement and incentives and Youth Job Connection, etc.)
  • Interview space & on-site services
  • Training & certifications
  • Job fairs & community partnerships 
  • Diversity at Work Nipissing for Employers



Phone: 705-446-3234

Delivery of Services: Bilingual, Nipissing District

Description:Skills For Work – Youth Employment and SkillsStrategy Program assists youth seekingemployment to acquire skills and knowledge to overcome employment barriers andto be successful in the job market, today and in the future.



Phone: 705-498-6296

Delivery ofServices: In-person North Bay

222 McIntyre Street West, Suite 310,

North Bay,ON, P1B 2Y8